New Program Director Information
University Rule for Campus Programs for Minors (24.01.06.M1) outlines the requirements for compliance. We highly encourage all program sponsors to read through this rule, however it is especially important for first time program sponsors to review the rule. The rule outlines the requirements for hosting campus programs for minors, which stems from a shared commitment to provide a safe environment and meaningful experience for participants that not only meet the minimum legal requirements but also reflect the University’s core values of Excellence, Integrity, Leadership, Loyalty, Respect, and Selfless Service.
To provide a safe environment and meaningful experience for all involved, Texas A&M University and the Texas A&M University System have created requirements that not only meet the minimum legal expectations but also reflect the institution’s core values of Excellence, Integrity, Leadership, Loyalty, Respect, and Selfless Service. These requirements are outlined in University Rule 24.01.06.M1 and are covered more thoroughly under the Compliance page and the Finances page. Below are examples of the different areas of compliance:
Campus Programs for Minors Application | Child Protection Training | Background Checks | Waivers | Insurance | Medical Care | Roster of Participants, staff, and volunteers
For a checklist and timeline of the various requirements for Texas A&M Programs, please click one of the links below:
Checklist for programs hosted by Texas A&M University
Checklist for Third Party programs hosted on the Texas A&M University
Every program sponsor will need to be given access to their specific program. To gain access, program sponsors will need to meet with University Youth Programs, so that we can add the program sponsor to an existing CPM Program that is in the CPM Application system, create a new CPM Program in the CPM Application system, if this is a first time program, and add the program sponsor to this system, make sure the routing for application review is correct, and review the requirements outlined in the CPM University Rule and answer any questions program sponsors may have.
Once a program sponsor meets with University Youth Programs and the sponsors are given their credentials, they will be able to log in and start the application. To access the application, click HERE!